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Reiki Home Study Courses The Reiki Level 1 course includes easy to read course material with detailed information on Reiki and energy basics. The student will learn methods for self-healing that will help with all aspects of personal growth and empowerment. This wonderful practice will also allow the student to assist others with their personal healing. The distant attunement is a unique and a very special part of the Reiki course. An attunement charges the individual with universal life-force energy and improves the person’s ability to channel and affect the energy that is present in the all of the universe. We offer a successful method for issuing the attunement from a distance while still maintaining close contact between student and master. The student will also receive a certificate suitable for framing that will qualify you as a Reiki 1 practitioner. The course fee is the total cost and includes course material, attunement, and certification as a Reiki 1 practitioner. The course fee for level 1 is $49.00. Please use the PayPal links below to register online.
The Reiki Level 2 course is offered to students who have completed level 1 with Healing Today or any other qualified Reiki Master. The level 2 course material features more advanced information on Reiki including distant healing. The level 2 course material also includes detailed illustrations of the Reiki symbols. The student will also receive a certificate suitable for framing that will qualify you as a Reiki 2 practitioner The course fee is the total cost and includes course material, attunement, and certification as a Reiki 2 practitioner. The course fee for level 2 is $59.00. Please use the PayPal links below to register online.
The Reiki Level 3 course is offered to students who have completed level 1 and level 2 with Healing Today or any other qualified Reiki Master. The level 3 course material features more advanced information on Reiki and helps to prepare the student for teaching Reiki to others. The level 3 material also includes detailed illustrations of the Reiki symbols and offers step by step instruction on the attunement process. Learning to pass attunements to others is an important part of level 3. This home study course includes a DVD of an actual attunement and detailed instruction by an experienced Reiki Master. The class work on this DVD is the same that is offered at an in-person class. The home study student will have an added advantage of being able to watch the lesson over and over until the student becomes comfortable with the attunement process. The Reiki level 3 attunement included with this course will further aide in the personal growth of the student. This attunement will empower the new Reiki Master with the ability to perform attunements on others. The student will also receive a certificate suitable for framing that will qualify you as a Reiki Master. The course fee is the total cost and includes course material, DVD, attunement, and certification as a Reiki Master. The course fee for level 3 is $159.00 and this includes shipping. Please use the PayPal links below to register online.
Questions? We often are
asked if an attunement can be done from a distance.
The answer is yes, absolutely!
Reiki is an energy healing modality and there are no time or distance
restrictions when working with this energy. Passing a distant attunement is
no different from doing distant healing. It would be hard to imagine how
anyone could logically or honestly dispute that assertion. However we are
always available to discuss this at 813-748-0761.
Replacement Certificates for the New Universal Church ministerial ordinations.
Learn Reiki at home with our Reiki home study courses. These Reiki correspondence courses provide quality training for Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters with the convenience of learning and studying at home or office. Reiki is an intentional energy healing modality that is part of our natural healing process and very easy to learn. |